Through her wonderful sense of humor and powerful testimony, God uses Shannon to touch women in a REAL way. She has inspiring and exciting stories of her own life that will make you laugh, cry and draw you closer to the Lord.
To find out more info on Shannon, view www.shannonperry.com
Friday Night, March 5th
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturday, March 6th
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
For further information you may email womensministrymsbc@gmail.com or feel free to call the church office at (903) 962-4536.
Presented by
Main Street Baptist Women's Ministry
313 N. Main Street, Grand Saline, TX 75140
Cut and paste this information into your word processor and print it out or click here for printable registration form.
Complete and mail (with check or money order) to:
Main Street Baptist Women's Ministry
313 N. Main St.
Grand Saline, TX 75140.
$30.00 at the door
Friday Night doors open at 6:30 - fellowship, fun, comedy, keynote speaker, music, light refreshments
Saturday doors open at 9:00 - breakout sessions, praise & worship, keynote speaker, box lunch provided
Click to download printable Flyer
Hotels in/around Grand Saline
Comfort Inn & Suites, Canton, TX
http://www.comfortinn.com/ - (903) 567-0909
Best Western, Canton, TX
http://www.bestwesterntexas.com/ - (903) 567-6591
Best Western, Mineola, TX
http://www.bestwesterntexas.com/ - (903) 569-5331
Little Fannie's Bed & Breakfast, Grand Saline, TX
http://www.littlefannies.com/ - (903) 962-3737
Saltlick Inn, Grand Saline, TX
http://www.thesaltlickinn.com/ - (903) 962-3808
I have a BnB I am taking reservations at & also attending the conference as well :)) I can sleep 14 and all beds are first come, first serve slumber-party style! I am just charging $5 for a simple breakfast & asking everyone to change their own sheets out (I will only have to run them all thru the wash, fold & put away & it's about having everyone fellowshipping all night than anything else!)
My BFF Trisha is a member at MSBC & we prepared the home in August '08 to BnB it in a 10 day span of time; Crystal & Daniel Goodson (also members of MSBC) helped immensely and it was a fun time and remains to be exciting as we learn our way through hostessing :) Have a look see at our place and let me know if you are interested in a sleep-over with us girls! You can email me at mymichelet@inntheworks.com